VTB Exchange Inc. is a visionary company focused on developing truly innovative blockchain applications.
VTBExchange is a forward-thinking fintech company providing cutting-edge blockchain solutions based on novel algorithmic finance models and next-generation Distributed Ledger Technology.
VTBExchange is a registered organization established in Panama City, Panama, a dynamic metropolis located in the most business-active zone in Central America, home to some of the most crucial trade operations in the world. As such, VTBExchange has supported its growth on the country’s forward-thinking and beneficial business conditions to ensure that its service offer can achieve its full potential and meet the demands and expectations of its users.
The human capital comprising VTBExchange is a dynamic transdisciplinary team of international experts in various fields with 150+ years of combined professional experience in finance, information technology, corporate strategy, and regulatory compliance. Together, the VTBExchange team encompasses the core necessities to attend to the needs of the ever-changing fintech sector to deliver cutting-edge solutions to its clientele.